Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Arrived in Vietnam!!

Hi Everyone!

Well, we finally made it to Hanoi, a long 24 hours later after finishing up at work (Rayann that ís!), packing up our apartment and leaving San Francisco around midnight Monday night.  The trip itself was long and tỉresome but we arrived safely in Hanoi at around nôon Wed.  Our first day was a bit òf culture shock, ás you might ẽxpect. Navigating through the streets òf Hanoi was no easy task and thóse òf you who know hơw much I (Rayann) hate crossing streets can only imagine how terrified I was. I came quite close to getting my foot runover by a motorbike, about 10 times! Anyway, we are back it again today...exploring the tơưn òf Hanoi  before we head out to Halong Bay tomorrow.  We should be able to póst some pictures soon,  as long ás we can figure out thếse computers hểre!

PS - sorry for all the typos.  Thếse keyboards are a challenge themselves!

lót òf love, rayann & shaun    


  1. Glad you had a safe flight.
    I think your blog is gonna be my new 2011 addiction. As if I hadn't enough of them ;)
    Take care and enjoy guys !

  2. Enjoy Hanoi, make sure you get some Beer Hoi!
